In June, IT Park University and Women in Tech partnered with a shared goal—to support women in IT. Together, they held an inspiring meeting with representatives of the organizations and outstanding female students. The main objectives of the event were to introduce active female students of IT Park University and their career stories, as well as to present the activities of Women in Tech, its mission, goals, and upcoming plans. Moreover, IT Park University became one of the first universities to host the presentation of the Women in Tech ambassador program. Women in Tech is an international non-profit organization aiming to close the gender gap and help women master IT technologies. The community’s mission is to create a world where women can succeed in the digital environment. Participation in the organization provides experience, knowledge, and a community of potential project partners.

The meeting began with a warm welcome from IT Park University’s CEO, Bohodir Ayupov, who emphasized the importance of equality and supporting women in the tech industry. His words resonated with the audience and set the tone for the event. Anna Ambrozevich, Director of Women in Tech Uzbekistan, and Kristina Vanina, Youth Ambassador, presented the details of the program and the community’s mission. They spoke about the importance of creating a supportive environment for women in IT and encouraged participation in the organization’s initiatives. Additionally, female students from IT Park University shared their journeys into IT. “Two years ago, I explored various fields: real estate sales, accounting, graphic and motion design, marketing. A year ago, I studied business administration in Korea. If someone had told me then that I would be speaking at a Women in Tech event as an IT student, I wouldn’t have believed it. Like many young women in Uzbekistan, I had stereotypical views of the digital technology field, thinking it was complicated and dull. In eight months, the IT field provided me with amazing opportunities. I went to Spain for a fully funded internship from IT Park University, visiting Malaga, Cáceres, and Madrid. We had workshops at EPAM offices, where one speaker clearly demonstrated that our work has a significant impact on business processes. This strengthened my new belief that IT is not just about coding, but also about solving business problems and creating valuable products,” shared Nigora Mamedaliyeva, a second-year student at IT Park University.

After the main program, there was an active Q&A session where participants discussed key points of the event. Everyone enjoyed a coffee break, networking, and a tour of the university. “I was impressed by all the stories. I can’t single out any particular speech because each student who spoke today was incredibly passionate about what they do. They see no barriers in their activities, easily going on international internships regardless of age and country. We should hold such events more often—it’s a great start. Girls need such meetings to learn about opportunities and take advantage of them. This is a platform where they can speak, share their stories, and be part of a supportive community,” shared Anna Ambrozevich, founder of Women in Tech in Uzbekistan.

Additionally, Shokhista Rakhimova, a second-year student at IT Park University, has shown strong determination throughout her journey in IT and became an official Women in Tech ambassador among universities in Uzbekistan.

“It is a great honor for me to be part of Women in Tech and to help attract more girls to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Of course, I believe we will be able to attract more girls to our community and provide the necessary support on their journey. I am grateful to IT Park University for helping me realize my desire to become a member of Women in Tech and for continuing to create new opportunities for their students,” shared Shokhista Rakhimova, a second-year student and Women in Tech ambassador at IT Park University.

To learn more about the Women in Tech community and join, visit their official website. For information about student life at IT Park University and upcoming events, check out their Instagram and university website. Join and build a successful career in IT with IT Park University and Women in Tech.
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