IT Park University News

Disclamer: ITPU Assistant answers

IT Park University (in the future referred to as the "University") provides an additional function in the form of an assistant in the Telegram bot called "ITPU Assistant," which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide answers to applicants' frequently asked questions. Please read this document carefully, as it contains essential information about the responsibility and use of this feature.

1. Uses and Limitations: ITPU Assistant only intends to answer applicants' frequently asked questions based on the University's FAQ for the current year (2023). The Assistant cannot handle inquiries outside the scope of the FAQ and should not be considered a source of up-to-date or comprehensive information about the University.

2. Artificial Intelligence: ITPU Assistant is powered by advanced AI algorithms such as OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model. Please be aware that the Assistant uses pre-trained data. ITPU Assistant does not remember the context, and each question must be self-contained.

3. Disclaimer: The University does not guarantee the accuracy, currency, or validity of the information provided by the ITPU Assistant. All report an assistant provides is for general information only and should not be considered an official source of information about the University.

4. Correct answers: It is important to note that artificial intelligence cannot always provide absolute accuracy in answering questions. The Assistant may make mistakes or provide incorrect information, especially if the question was asked using jargon. Users should always verify critical information received from the ITPU Assistant with official University sources.

5. Limitation of Liability: The University is not liable for any damages resulting from using the ITPU Assistant, including, but not limited to, lost opportunities, loss of data, or financial loss caused by the Assistant's incorrect responses.

6. Contact information: If you have any questions that require precise and formal answers, or if you need additional information about the University, don't hesitate to get in touch with the following phone number: +998555039999

Note: ITPU Assistant is designed to improve communication with applicants but cannot replace official communication with University representatives.


2023-07-28 15:00